GÉANT Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are established under the auspices of GÉANT in order to create an open forum where experts from its community exchange information, knowledge, ideas and best practices about specific technical or other areas of business relevant to the research and education networking community.

The GÉANT SIG – Information Security Management is a forum for interchanging knowledge and experiences on information security management topics.


The main aims of the SIG are to

  • establish a community of security management professionals;
  • develop, maintain and promote a trust framework between NRENs based on international standards; 
  • promote the use of international security standards and share best practices for security management within NRENs; 
  • discuss and promote issues of information security management of particular interest to NRENs.

The proposed achievements and KPIs for the first year are summarized in the table below

Planned achievements and KPIs


Two meetings organised and held either online or face to face;

due to July 2016

An activity report for the Technical Committee;

due to July 2016

Steering Committee members from at least 3 different organisations.

due to August 2015

The SIG-ISM Charter can be downloaded from here.

The former SIG-ISM pages can be found at https://www.terena.org/activities/ism/


This is the first year of SIG-ISM

1 July 2015 - 30 June 2016.

The charter of the SIG was finally approved in July 2015, but the activities of the group started before that.

The SIG-ISM is jointly led by its Steering Committee

  • Alf Moens (SURF) - chair
  • James Davis (JISC)
  • Rolf Sture Normann (UNINETT) 
  • Urpo Kaila (CSC)
  • Fotis Gagadis (GÉANT)

Steering Committee's page

Next Event

Second SIG-ISM Workshop


SIG ISM white paper security management