Date and place 

Berlin (question)


Agenda - Topics (draft)

ItemTopicTime duration (hours)Presenter
1.Update on Open Stack Operators (OSO) group1Simon L.
2.Commercial Cloud Providers and the possibility of cooperative development and collaboraitonup to 3Karl M./guest(s)
3Investigate opportunities to develop a standard, IPv6 optimized, Ubuntu image with appropriate licenses to be shared across the community1Kalle Happonen
4Identity management integration (situation after AARC project)1GEANT
5GDPR and the challenges in the cloud (NRENs, Dev, CSP) - legal advisors (GEANT/CSP)1legal advisors (GEANT/CSP)
6.Hendrik's update on options to represent NREN cloud capabilities towards EC etc.1Hendrik Ike
7.progress on CERN's Data Lakes project1CERN? Xavi or others
8update on new cloud activity in new GN project phase1Andres Steijaert

Agenda (to be created once the topics are agreed)

5minAgenda itemName
  • Notes for this agenda item


2nd SIG-CISS meeting

Action items