Known configuration APIs and bugs for client devices


API documentation

Android API browser, WifiEnterpriseConfig (API level for Android 7 "Nougat" is 24)

Known Bugs

178688: Enterprise Wi-Fi CA certificate disappears in config UI when you forget the network

53089: Android does not send intermediate certificate while using EAP-TLS for wifi connection

178687: Allow multiple CA certificates in an 802.1X profile (fixed in Nougat -> WifiEnterpriseConfig::setCaCertificates!)

82036: Self-signed certificates cause "network may be monitored by third party" warning (fixed in 6.0.1 April patchlevel)

Apple OS X/iOS/macOS

API documentation

.mobileconfig File Description

iOS Release Notes for all released versions

Known Bugs

17775556: iOS Passpoint profiles show UUID instead of user-friendly PayloadDisplayName; differs from correct OS X behavior (private; owned by Stefan Winter)

20220334: UI for username/password in Wi-Fi profile import incorrectly capitalises the SSID name (private; owned by Stefan Winter)

28888950: Profile import does not notify+retry user of wrong import password of his client certificate


API documentation

.onc File Description (version history)

Known Bugs

388457: Feature Request: direct import from clicking in web browser, UI integration


API documentation

XML Profile Schema Definition

EAP Certificate Requirements

PEAP Protocol Specification

Known Bugs


Linux: NetworkManager

API documentation

D-BUS settings (current stable release)

Known Bugs

1573720: Unencrypted private keys are insecure error reported even when key is encrypted

Linux: ConnMan

Configuration Documentation

Known Bugs

All bugs are listed here:

Will add a feature request for "allow to specify expected server name" later