FreeRADIUS is a very versatile and freely available RADIUS server under the GPL license. Setting up FreeRADIUS as an SP is a rather straightforward task, since it merely needs to forward requests from NASes to other RADIUS servers. In particular, it does not need to authenticate users. The following configuration enables your FreeRADIUS server to be an eduroam SP. At the same time, it is the baseline from which to establish an eduroam IdP configuration, if that is envisaged for a later stage.

Version information

This documentation is current as of FreeRADIUS 2.1.10.


FreeRADIUS is written in C and can be compiled with the usual UNIX compilation sequence. After unpacking the source into a directory of your choice, do

./configure --prefix=<your preferred install dir> --sysconfdir=<your preferred configuration base dir>
make install

In the examples below, we assume the installation is done for --prefix=/usr/local/freeradius/ and the configuration dir is --sysconfdir=/etc

Sample config directory

Base configuration / logging / F-Ticks

Client definition

Request forwarding

