Welcome note / explanation


How to get eduroam on my laptop or mobile device

How to deploy eduroam on site / campus

How to deploy eduroam for events

How to offer eduroam support

How to deploy eduroam nationally

How to build the eduroam infrastructure

I am a student/ teacher / researcher (Users)

Exactly how to configure your laptop or other handheld device for eduroam will depend on a) which device(s) you are using and b) which equipment your school / university / college is using.

If you know that your school / university / college does provide eduroam, please ask the IT staff for support with setting it up on your laptop or other devices.

If you are not sure whether or not your institution provides eduroam, the National Roaming Operator for your country may be able to help with your enquiry. To find out more, follow the linked maps from http://www.eduroam.org/

For a list of devices that are compatible with eduroam see here: https://confluence.terena.org/display/H2eduroam/Devices+that+are+compatible+with+eduroam






I am an IT manager / staff member from a university / college / school etc. (Institutions)

See 'How to deploy eduroam on-site / campus' and 'How to offer eduroam support'

(tick) Technical and other information

(tick) Technical and other information

(tick) Technical and other information



I am an IT manager / staff member from a (potential) National Roaming Operator organisation

See 'How to deploy eduroam on-site / campus' and 'How to offer eduroam support'

(tick) Technical and other information

(tick) Technical and other information

(tick) Technical and other information

(tick) Technical and other information

(tick) Technical and other information

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