Currently we are just listing the current validator warnings

Global warnings

Signing certificate expired

Warnings on entity level

md:EmailAddress in md:ContactPerson element should start with mailto: prefixThis violates line 495 of https://docs.oasis-open.org/security/saml/v2.0/saml-metadata-2.0-os.pdf and should be considered an error!

SIRTFI attribute present and security contact found but no http://refeds.org/metadata/contactType/security contactType

SIRTFI specification error

assurance-certification entity attribute is defined, but no appropriate md:ContactPerson set

md:EmailAddress for md:ContactPerson not found

shibmd:Scope with no regexp attribute

mdattr:EntityAttributes placed in md:Extensions element of SPSSODescriptor/IDPSSODescriptor, expected in  md:Extensions element of EntityDescriptor

mdrpi:RegistrationPolicy not found

mdrpi:RegistrationInfo element defined more than once within a given md:Extensions element

This violates http://docs.oasis-open.org/security/saml/Post2.0/saml-metadata-rpi/v1.0/cs01/saml-metadata-rpi-v1.0-cs01.html section 2.1 therefore should be an error

mdattr:EntityAttributes element contains saml:AttributeValue with leading/trailing whitespaces

mdattr:EntityAttributes element appears more than once within a given md:Extensions element 

Global warnings

Some SP does not provide requested attribute specification– chyba można pominąć, bo pojawiają się te warningi na poziomie role

md:EntitiesDescriptor element does not contain the ID attribute which should be used in signature’s ds:Reference  bez sensu bo przecież ID musi być z powodu reference w podpisie

Some entities do not have an encryption certificate

Some SP entities do not have an encryption certificate

Some SP does not provide requested attribute specification to wszystko jest wymienione na poziomie role

Warnings on entity’s role level: