eduGAIN Steering Group Meeting

Tuesday 30th January 2017, 14:00 - 15:30 CET (in your timezone)

Please Note that the above time is CONFIRMED.

13:45 CET

Arrival & "Can you hear me now?" (we won't be using Adobe Connect)
14:00 CET

Welcome, Introductions & Agenda Agreement

14:30 CETRevision of the eduGAIN Policy Framework
  • SAML WebSSO Profile - Nicole Harris
  • Grace period for current eduGAIN members
  • What's left?
14:45 CET

Hanging Issues for Members and Participants

15:00 CET

Any other Business

Future SG Meetings

  • Conflict/Changes to 2018 meeting dates/times?
  • Next meeting @ APAN45 - Tuesday March 27th 13:30 Singapore Time

15:15 CET

Summary, Actions and Close (or we're running over time).

15:30 CET

Meeting Close


Federations in Attendance

Attendees (xx)

Apologies (nn)


Current status - New members and candidates: See and work on progressing new members is underway.

Future meetings: