Current R&E federations in Europe are highly diverse, and with the new influx of pan-European research and e-Infrastructure use cases such diversity is an obstacle to adoption. Already current service providers and communities face challenges when 'connecting to the federated world'. With the new AARC pilots being adopted by communities, this diversity of services is likely to increase. It is also clear that the sustainability of services - including the AARC pilots themselves - is a challenge unless each technology is accompanied by a (range of) options as to how to deploy them and keep them operational in the longer term.

In this task we derive baselines recommendations for adoption by operational infrastructures such as eduGAIN, in particular highlight the effects of basic federation model choices, and provide - for the benefit of new federations and for 'research infrastructure centered' community services (the IdP-SP proxy architectural model identified by the JRA1 Architecture task) guidance as to which model is applicable given the operating model of a community. It is also clear that the sustainability model for federated services will evolve: translation services, guest identity providers, and attribute authorities must have a model that permits them to be supported by different entities (e-­infrastructures for credential translators or as hosts of attribute authorities, research communities that are self-­sustained and will operate their own services, etc.).

A combined report (DNA3.3) with Recommendations for Research and e-Infrastructures to Build Sustainable Services is now available:

For detailed discussions which cannot be published here, please contact the task leads at DAASI or the NA3 mailing list.