Welcome to the AARC wiki.

The wiki is organised in two sections: a private space for sharing internal documents and a public space (under development), where WPs can exchange technical information to support their daily work.


If you have any questions about the project or you are interested in getting invovled please do not hesitate to contact the Project Coordinator Licia Florio (licia.florio@geant.org) or Sigita Jurkynaite (sigita.jurkynaite@geant.org).

Mailing Lists

aarc@terena.org - for general information

aarc-finance@terena.org - for all financial information (under creation)

WPs mailing lists:





Technical Annex

During the Grant Agreement preparation, the EC asked for clarification to the Technical Annex. The final version of the Technical Annex (PDF, Word) was submitted on 12th March 2015. Note that this version does not have all the tables due to the requirements for the online submission.

The FINAL version of the proposal as submitted to the EC is available on this wiki and can be downloaded from the EC submission site.

The DRAFT Technical Annex section of this wiki contains the various version of the proposal that led to final one.





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