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Metadata Processing Instructions/Checklist

This checklist describes what happens if an SP operator submits metadata during the eduGAIN Easy SP Registration workflow using the UK Access Management Federation as federation of last resort.

Process Overview

The process starts for the GÉANT Enabling Users team with a registration request that is submitted by an SP administrator on the web page [INSERT WEB PAGE ONCE KNOWN]. The content of the metadata registration form then is submitted to [INSERT EMAIL ONCE KNOWN]. From this point on the goal of the Enabling Users team is to:

  1. Check the submitted metadata and contact details using the check list below
  2. Enquire SP admin about missing/unclear aspects of registration request if needed
  3. Forward the validated metadata to the UK Access Mangement Helpdesk ( via email with the template Email in Appendix A1 to include it in their federation metadata and eduGAIN. It is assumed that at this point the SP administrator already completed applied already for membership in the UK Access Management Federation as described in Step 2 of the Step-by-Step guide]. It also is assumed that the Service Provider is correctly configured and fully functional.

To process a registration request, the Service Levels described in Appendix A2 apply as agreed with the UK Access Management Federation.


When receiving a new SP registration including contact details and metadata as in the form on the Step-by-Step guide, the following checks should be applied:

Legit Registration Check

Manual Checks

Metadata Checks

The goal of these checks are to ensure that submitted metadata is valid and to ensure that it also contains all the required elements plus ideally the optional elements from the eduGAIN Metadata Profile

ToDos and Future developments for Registration Form

This section contains ToDo’s and future improvements. The latter are features to implement only if there is a need or request for them.


Future improvements


A1. Mail template to forward registration after successful check

<to be written yet>

A2. SLA and Metrics

The following Service Level Agreement (SLA) and Metrics were agreed with the UK Federation: The following Service Level Agreement is applicable during the pilot:

A3. Schema/Namespaces to check against