NGI_TRUST, co-funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the grant agreement No 825618, foresees as an eligible activity the provision of financial support to third parties, as a means to achieve its own objectives.

Third-party projects may only receive financial support if they are working on privacy and trust enhancing technologies and their application to the Next Generation Internet (as defined broadly by the Horizon 2020 Work- Programme 2018-20, Information and Communication Technologies Part 5.i - Page 51 of 144), namely: as sensors, objects, devices, AI-based algorithms, etc., are incorporated in our digital environment, develop robust and easy to use technologies to help users increase trust and achieve greater control when sharing their personal data, attributes and information.

The NGI Trust open calls aim to:

NGI TRUST will support third-party projects working in the following areas:

An indicative list of possible areas of concern/opportunities (specific topics) is provided below:

Topics focused on App implementations to manage the plethora of Information Sharing Agreements and consents that a person would agree to, manage and re-use over time (Type 2 or Type 3 proposals only)

  1. Technical innovation in privacy enhancing technologies, such as cryptography, federated identity, security and privacy for IoT, privacy-enhancing data transports and data at rest.

  1. The application of artificial intelligence/machine learning/neural networks to serve the user’s interests.
  1. Bootstrapping trust at the protocol level, to maintain a trustable Internet Infrastructure.

The call is open to individuals or organisations, or groupings thereof.

Specifically, the following may apply, either on an individual basis or as a consortium:

Applicants may be legal entities or natural persons and should be registered (for organisations) or resident (for individuals) in an EU Member State or a Horizon 2020 associated country.

NGI_TRUST Open Call third-party projects

Three types of third-party projects will be awarded funding:

Interested in applying ?

For the second call, the call text, application form and detailed guidance for applicants are now available (as of 8:30 (CET) 1 October 2019) for download below.

Applications should be received by 1 December 2019 at 18:00 CET

Call text

Guidance for applicants

Application form

Support and further information:

Please take a look at: NGI Trust Webinar for potential applicants for information about the second call online open day.

Please check for further information published on the NGI_TRUST open call wiki pages & follow our twitter account:

For further information or if you have any question, please contact the NGI_TRUST support team:

Email address for further information: