BodyLast challengeCampaign nameNext challengeCampaign nameStatus
IGTFNovember 2015
October 2019IGTF-RATCC4-2019In progress
EGIMarch 2019SSC6 19.03


Campaign information


PeriodOctober 2019
Initiator contactInteroperable Global Trust Federation IGTF (
Target communityIGTF Accredited Identity Providers

Target type

own constituency of accredited authorities
Target community size~80 entities, ~60 organisations, ~50 countries/economic areas
Challenge format and depthemail to registered public contacts
expecting human response (by email reply) within policy timeframe
Current phasePreparatory communications sent
Summary or reportnot yet available

EGI Security Service Challenge 6 (19.03)

PeriodMarch 2019
Initiator contactEGI CSIRT (
Target communityEGI Federation members: service providers and selected user communities

Target type

own constituency of service providers
Target community size~70 organisations, ~14 countries/IOs
Challenge format and depth

simulated user-level system intrusion using (non-weaponized) crafted malware

expecting communications with federation CSIRT, log analysis and correlation, and forensic investigation

should follow established procedures and communications reponse deadlines

Current phaseCompleted
Summary or report

summary available upon request

description of challenge format and malware publicly available: