In the case when

an alert is raised and delivered to the Operational Team, the Support Team and the federation contact email registered with the eduGAIN database. An error status is set on the eduGAIN status page and the cause of the error is displayed in the details section. The remaining cache time is also displayed. The status is also available through the eduGAIN access API, as described on: If the error condition persists reminder messages are sent to the Operational Team and the federation contact email in the intervals of 6 hours. If the federation metadata feed can be accessed/validated again, a recovery message is delivered to the eduGAIN OT, the Support Team and the federation contact email.

During every aggregation run the validUntil timer for each of the federation metadata feeds is performed.

The following emails are possible:


[MDS] federation_code_in_eduGAIN_database (country) - Your metadata feed will expire soon

This message has been generated automatically.

The case involves: federation_name, country

MDS has found a problem with you metadata:

Your metadata will expire soon (time to expiry)

Please regenerate your feed.

You can contact eduGAIN Operations at

Mail sent when the federation feed is close to expiry 

[MDS] federation_code_in_eduGAIN (country) - Metadata aggregation problem

This message has been generated automatically.

The case involves: federation_name, country

problem description (from the eduGAIN validator)

Your metadata feed has been rejected, we are still using a cached copy which is valid until validUntil of the cached copy (x days).

You can contact eduGAIN Operations at

Mail sent when the metadata feed does not validate correctly
3.[MDS] federation_code_in_eduGAIN (country) - Feed recovery

This message has been generated automatically.

The case involves: federation_name, country

Your feed was accepted

Mail sent after the metadata feed recovery