2nd October  2019, Athens, Greece

SIG-NGN is the Special Interest Group on Next Generation Networks.

This meeting is the third meeting of the SIG and hosted by GRNET in Athens.

Photo by Puk Patrick on Unsplash


"Streaming Telemetry, Analytics, and AI/ML"

Remote Participation

Meeting ID: 338 012 664

Join Zoom Meeting: https://geant.zoom.us/j/338012664
Find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/acBzohYbIm
Join by SIP 338012664@ or 338012664@
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Address: 7, Kifisias Av. GR 115 23 Athens

GRNET is located 3km from the city center ('Syntagma'), on the crossroads of 'Kifisias' and 'Alexandras' avenues.  The closest metro station is 500m from the premises (7min. walk), facilitating transportation from/to the airport and Syntagma (Athens center), via metro line 3 (blue line).

The following maps provide directions from GRNET to the closest metro station, and from GRNET to the city center.

From GRNET to 'Ampelokipi' metro station (metro line 3)

From GRNET to 'Syntagma' square (metro line 3)

Reaching GRNET from Athens International Airport:

GRNET website provides transportation info from/to the airport: https://grnet.gr/en/contact-us/


Hotels near GRNET (PDF)

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Registration is Open!

Agenda (all times are in EEST)

Tuesday, 1st October 2019

No host dinner 8pm / 20:00 at Tzitzikas & Mermigkas (SYNTAGMA), Mitropoleos 12-14

Wednesday, 2nd October 2019 - SIG-NGN

TimeWhat's happening
09:00-09:20Introduction and welcome - Rob Evans, Jisc, Rudolf Vohnout, CESNET, Edoardo Martelli, CERN, Lars Fischer, NORDUnet, Jac Kloots, SURFnet
09:20-09:40What's happening in the NIAC - Rob Evans, Jisc
09:40-10:30AI Augmented Network Operations - Jean-Marc Uzé, Augtera Networks
10:30-11:00 Tea and coffee

The Next Generation of GÉANT - Bram Peeters, GÉANT

11:30-12:00ARTEMIS: Neutralizing BGP Hijacking within a Minute - Vasileios Kotronis, FORTH
12:00-12:30Next Generation Internet Projects - Brook Schofield, GÉANT


13:30-14:00RARE Project Update- Frédéric Loui, RENATER

ESnet's application of AI and ML to High Precision Telemetry - Chin Guok, ESnet

14:30-15:00Future Quantum Key Distribution Services on GÉANT - Piotr Rydlichowski, PSNC, presented on-site by Rudolf Vohnout
15:00-15:30Wrap up, Summary and Next Steps - Rob Evans, Jisc, Rudolf Vohnout, CESNET, Edoardo Martelli, CERN, Lars Fischer, NORDUnet, Jac Kloots, SURFnet