Unavailability report

EventStart*End*Effective downtime**Notes

20190228161100 CEST

50 secs

Reboot announced by eduGAIN OT on the eduGAIN SG mailing list on Feb 28 at 15:52 with a confirmed finish at 16:11.




20190416170700 CEST
There was a BFD protocol failure on two major city routers, which caused the BGP session to be turned off.
UNPLANNED MAINTENANCE20190604094930 CEST20190604095800 CEST140 secsReboot announced by eduGAIN OT on the eduGAIN SG mailing list on Jun 04 at 09:46 with a confirmed finish at 10:16. The actual unavailability of MDS was 140 secs.
UNPLANNED MAINTENANCE20190705104600 CEST20190705105300 CEST240 secsReboot announced by eduGAIN OT on the eduGAIN SG mailing list on Jul 05 at 10:28 with a confirmed finish at 10:53. The actual unavailability of MDS was 240 secs.
MDA FAILURE20190718T05000020190718135833N/A

A federation upstream metadata feed silently crashed our aggregator hindering the update of the eduGAIN metadata stream. The event did not cause any immediate service disruption since the eduGAIN metadata has a 96 hours validity and the latest feed has been issued on 20190717T053343.  We've contacted federation operators that are working on it and should solve the issue within 24h, in the meantime a new feed with an extended duration has been issued on 20190718135833.


20190926110150 CEST

110 secsReboot announced by eduGAIN OT on the eduGAIN SG mailing list on Sep 26 at 10:11 with a confirmed finish at 11:03. The actual unavailability of MDS was 110 secs.

* the time is UTC unless otherwise noted.

** specify it only if it is less than x=(Start - End)