
On UNIX-like systems, the installation is very simple:

  1. Download the code from GitHub

  2. Unpack the code.
  3. Navigate into the unpacked directory (the base directory)
  4. type the usual UNIX compilation sequence (the configure switch about F-Ticks is only needed if you need that functionality):   
./configure --enable-fticks
make check
make install

      4.  After compiling and installing, the executable


       is in the installed directory. Execution of the installed binaries does not require root rights.

      5. Copy the template configuration file below into


      6.  Create the directory /etc/radsecproxy/certs/ca/. The template configuration file requires this directory to contain the accredited CA root certificates and the corresponding Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) in their OpenSSL hash form. See this section for information about the CA download.

       7. Fill the lines marked with _STUFF_ with the required information as explained below.
       8. Start radsecproxy and enjoy (for first-time use, starting it with the -f option is recommended, it will start radsecproxy in the foreground and show some verbose startup messages).