

Authorisation Models for SPs

This deliverable describes possible authorisation models for SAML-SPs and OIDC-RPs in a proxied environment. We provide an overview about available and upcoming technologies currently in use or development for community and research infrastructures.


AARC2-DJRA1.1Use-Cases for Interoperable Cross-Infrastructure AAIThe researchers’ need to access online services and resources offered by different research and e-infrastructures has increased over the last years. Through federated access, researchersshould be able to seamlessly and securely access resources across these infrastructures using their existing credentialsfrom their home organisations. AAI interoperability a key requirement to support this. The AARC blueprint architecture has been designed to address this need, aiming to improve the user experience when accessing and sharing resources provided by different infrastructures. To this end, this document analyses research community use cases that require access to services and resources across infrastructures. The research community specific use cases have been mapped to a set of generic use cases of cross-infrastructure AAI flows. These flows will serve as input for further refining and complementing where needed the AAI interoperability aspects of the AARC Blueprint Architecture.pdf
AARC2-DJRA1.3VO Platforms for Research CollaborationsIn order to scale the users’ use of research infrastructures, cyber- and e-infrastructures, it makes sense to introduce a “virtual organisation” (VO) that can unify users with a shared purpose or research activity. This document investigates this use of the VO and makes recommendations for the platform which maintains this VO information, both for the VO’s own use but particularly for the VO’s members’ use of the infrastructure.pdf
AARC2-DJRA1.4Evolution of the AARC Blueprint ArchitectureThis document describes the evolution of the AARC Blueprint Architecture, starting with a summary of the changes since AARC-BPA-2017. It also describes the community-first approach which enables researchers to use their community identity for accessing services offered by different infrastructures.pdf