
Mihaly HederKIFU

Scrum Master, Team Member
Team Member
Team Member
Team Member

#Enter the persons who are internal projects or external stakeholders of this Activity - delete this line after using the template#




Activity overview

One way of remote vetting a researcher (as opposed to a non-researcher or a commercial actor) is to rely on several hints just based on a verified email address - of course if no better options are available. 

  • the email server, or the domain of that server is hosted on a GEANT member network, and that network has a policy, we know that the emails is supposed to be an academic email address
  • if the domain shows up in eduGAIN metadata, that is a further hint that this is an academic address
  • if it is an IdP scope, I have even better validation
  • it may be possible that there is a CERT I can access with TERENA organization in it
  • if the email features on publications that is a further clue

We may be able to create a service that complements remote vetting beyond establishing the identity, to establish the bona fide quality of the person. Such a service would be in great demand at remote academic collaboration, like one-shot publishing at a journal

Activity Details

#Please describe the technical details for the Activity. - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>

#What is the business case for the Activity? Who would be beneficiaries of the results of the Activity and what would potential business case look like if applicable? - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>

#Are there risks that influence either the implementation of the activity or its outcomes? - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>

#How do data protection and privacy impact the Activity? Think about e.g. handling of personal data of users - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>

#Please describe here the set of criteria that the product must meet in order to be considered finished. - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>

#How are the results of the Activity intended to be used? If this requires further engagement, can you describe how you intent to sustain it? - delete this line after using the template#

<Enter here>

Activity Results

#Please provide pointers to completed and intermediary results of this activity - delete this line after using the template#






Kickoff meeting
