WP9 T2 wiki page is here Webinar "Common Best practices for Software Development Teams in GÉANT – how to identify, share and implement"

Webinar Title: Common Best practices for Software Development Teams in GÉANT – how to identify, share and implement

Date of delivery: 17/07/2020 10:30 to 11:30 am CEST

Duration: 1 hour 1h (30-40min for presentation and two short demonstrations of CBP examples + 30-20 min for discussion/questions)

Host: Irina Matthews (GLAD) Welcome, Introduction, Chat room (questions) management, closing remarks

Presenter(s)/Facilitator(s): Branko Marovic (UoB/AMRES), Bartosz Walter (PSNC)

                                                  Maciej Łabędzki and Alan Lewis - CBP examples - case presentation

Affiliation (WP/Task): WP9 T2

Authors (created by): Branko Marovic (UoB/AMRES), Bartosz Walter (PSNC), WP9T2

Who will attend (target audience): GÉANT Software development teams: developers, tech leaders, product managers

Aim: The aim is to present how the current processes and approaches used in several GÉANT Software teams could leverage the extraction and identification of best practices. They are directional recommendations aimed to support more effective software development, covering all areas and goals that are relevant in the GÉANT environment. We will show, on selected examples, how they could be interpreted, adopted and deployed.

Webinar Aims: (please edit)

  1. Promote best practices
  2. Facilitate the adoption and development of best practices  in the area of software development such as understanding stakeholders needs and requirements as well as dealing with issues of IPR, sw reviews
  3. Encourage collaboration in creating the best practices

Webinar is recorded: yes

Communication schedule:


Content of webinar announcement: Bartosz Walter Branko Marovicand Irina

Date notification to b sent out: w/c 29 June

Date registration is opened: 29/07/2020

Registration link https://eventr.geant.org/events/3335 - 21 registrations received.

Webinar announcement (draft - please edit)

Attention all GÉANT software developers, product and project managers – WP9 T2 is inviting you to attend a webinar on the best practice in the software development at GÉANT. The team will share the insights and practical examples of the best software development practice with the focus on how to  identify, implement and collaborate in the  use of best practice; how its use  can create value and meet the evolving needs of stakeholders. The webinar is taking place on 17 July 2020 from 10:30 am to 11:30 am CEST. To register click here.  For any questions please get in touch with glad@geant.org

Blog post

“Best practice” – we are used to hearing and saying these words in relation to practically any professional area.

And what does it actually mean?

Rather attempting another definition of “best practice”, let’s see what “best practice” is made of, what its “ingredients” are.

As the term implies it is “practical”, i.e.

So, the question is whether each successful solution is “best practice” or when does a solution become “best practice?”

One of the suggested answers here (not exclusively) could be “replicability”, i.e. “best practice” means that an identified solution can be replicated (extended to) in a different context/environment and still lead to an improvement.

So, what does it all mean for software development at GÉANT? How can one identify “best practice”? And once identified - how can it be shared for others to benefit? And, very simply, where to find the examples of best practice?

To find out we are inviting you to meet the WP9 T2 team that has done an extensive work in this area.

The team will be running a webinar Common Best practices for Software Development Teams in GÉANT – how to identify, share and implement on 17 July 2020 at 10:30 am CEST.

At the webinar that team aims:

The Catalogue of Best Practices is a live resource that

If you would like to learn how great solutions become best practice, and what it means for the quality of service we provide – come along!

Post webinar

Evaluation link


Follow-on communication (how to access resources, contacts, next steps) sent out on 28/07/2020

Date of rehearsal:  10 am CEST

                                 12 pm CEST

                                 10 am CEST

Resources available can be accessed after the webinar - location

Webinar evaluation/feedback (link):  http://youtube.com/watch?v=SsvWXKF34QM

Webinar outline

Webinar outline

Webinar Section


Content (what will happen)


Facilitated by

Reception (prior to the start of a webinar)



Welcome note






GÉANT Common BPs in SW development 


Branko and Bartek

Demonstration of CBP examples, sharing the experience
Requirements management; dealing with libraries vulnerabilities and IPR with WhiteSource20minMaciej and Alan

Q & A


Branko and Bartek

Closing (what next?)



AGENDA - Main Body of the webinar

Branko Marovic Bartosz Walter

1. GN Common Best Practices (CBPs) - what they are and how they could help

2. Collaboration on CBPs - how they were produced and how teams can help + mention of the GSMM

3. CBP descriptions

Maciej Łabędzki

4. Practice change/CBP example #1

Alan Lewis  with inputs from WiFiMon

5. Practice change/CBP example #2

Branko Marovic Bartosz Walter - Maybe about stakeholders management (identification + communication strategy)?

6. Feedback on needs and ideas; initiate getting the feedback, help people get involved; Further directioning of CBPs;

Common Best Practices related questions to be observed in examples

  1. The problem that we had and how it reflected on outcomes?
  2. What we have tried and how we eventually addressed the issue?
  3. Where the adopted practice and tools came from, particularly if that was from GN?
  4. Possible alternatives and, based on our experience, what did work and what did not work very well?
  5. What are the effects of this new practice and related tools on our work and outcomes?
  6. What can be applied directly and what should be customised or omitted?
  7. How other teams could make use of this and how we could help?