This document describes procedures used in the management of the eduGAIN core, i.e. global eduGAIN membership issues and information services. The eduGAIN services are managed by the eduGAIN Operational Team (OT). Additional operational documentation is provided separately for each of the eduGAIN operational profiles.

Operational Team tasks

As defined in [eduGAIN-CONST] the Operational Team (OT) is responsible for:

eduGAIN Joining and Membership

eduGAIN recognises two categories of federation within its structure: members and participants.  Members are those federations that have completed the first steps to joining eduGAIN, but are not actively using any technology profile (such as providing SAML metadata to the MDS) at the moment.  Many federations may become a member AND provide documentation to actively join a federation at the same time.  This Operational Practice Statement provides more information on the steps needed to become a Member only - as described in the eduGAIN Constitution.

The process to join eduGAIN as a Member Federation is as follows:

Operational Team procedures

Registration and modification of federation information

information type

security level

federation delegate to eduGAIN SG


federation delegate deputy to eduGAIN SGS
federation page URL1
federation mail contact2

Federation delegate and deputy are the only federation representatives authorized to submit information, therefore their identity needs to be established in a trusted way, this is however part of the global eduGAIN trust model, not specific to the SAML prifile.

Security levels

security level


2important contact information
1informational, not requiring special vetting
Sspecial - delegating representatives requires contact with the federation management


The support is provided primarily via e-mail trough the address.