Agenda for this virtual meeting - replacing the originally planned full day meeting of WISE, hosted by Jisc in London, UK.



15:00 CEST

Welcome and Introduction (David Kelsey - UKRI STFC)

15:10 CEST

Security for Collaborating Infrastructures (SCI) Working Group

  • (20mins) SCI issues - maturity assessment, guidance, policy development kit, etc (Uros Stevanovic - KIT) slides: pptx, pdf
  • (20mins) Community security policy in UK IRIS (David Crooks pdf & Ian Neilson pptx - UKRI STFC) 
  • (20mins) SLATE - policy requirements and the SCI trust framework (Chris Weaver - University of Chicago) pdf
  • (20mins) Future work and plans - discussion (all)

16:30 CEST

The Security Communications Challenge Coordination Working Group - joint with GEANT SIG-ISM
(David Groep - Nikhef) - slides: pdf, pptx

16:50 CESTWrap-up and next steps (David Kelsey - UKRI STFC)

17:00 CESTEnd