
SIG-Greenhouse was formally closed as a SIG in 2018 but these pages are maintained for information.  If you are interested in finding out how you can benefit from the work of the SIG, please visit the Commons Conservancy website, a programme conservancy created to meet the aims and objectives of software and other projects looking for a sustainable home.

This space is for information relating to the GÉANT Greenhouse SIG. 

GÉANT Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are established under the auspices of GÉANT in order to create an open forum where experts from its community exchange information, knowledge, ideas and best practices about specific technical or other areas of business relevant to the research and education networking community.

The aims of the Greenhouse SIG are:

  1. Supporting open source software projects that have the required level of maturity to join an appropriate software conservancy provided by a third party.
  2. Working with GÉANT to define an MoU for interactions with third party software conservancy organisations, including issues regarding cost for participation in such conservancies.
  3. Supporting open source projects in creating models for project governance and organisation via template documentation.
  4. Encouraging good practice in software development via best practice recommendations for code quality.

To sign-up to the mailing list, please visit:


Why Greenhouse?

'Greenhouse' started out as a play on words as we didn't want to use the word 'conservancy' (conservancy - conservatory - greenhouse), as GÉANT is not looking to provide the sort of features one might expect from a full software conservancy but something more lightweight.  The word has stuck as it seems a good way of describing the intentions here - to provide the infrastructure for software projects to grow successfully within the community. 

The proposed achievements and KPIs for the first year

  • Agree MoU with NLnet for Commons Conservancy.
  • Create list of Open Source products produced by NRENs and in use with service dependency.
  • Work with 2 projects on Commons Conservancy model.
  • Work with projects on recommended software quality processes and run some tests.
  • Create document promoting contributions to software projects to GA.

Useful Resources


2016 is the first year of the Greenhouse SIG.  The Charter was approved at the TTC meeting in November 2015. 

Steering Committee

  • Guido Aben  
  • Glenn Wearen
  • Leif Johansson
  • Andrea Biancini
  • Rogier Spoor
  • Nicole Harris


The main topics covered by the new SIG would include, but would not be limited to:

  1. Supporting open source software projects that have the required level of maturity to join an appropriate software conservancy provided by a third party.
  2. Working with GÉANT to define an MoU for interactions with third party software conservancy organisations, including issues regarding cost for participation in such conservancies.
  3. Supporting open source projects in creating models for project governance and organisation via template documentation.
  4. Encouraging good practice in software development via best practice recommendations for code quality.