TF-OpenSpace – Session 2, room yellow.   12 February 2014. 

Lead by:  Dieter (CLARIN), Nicole (TERENA), Kristof (NIIF)

Attendees: Joost, Blaz, Guido, Wolfgang, John, Kristof, Ken, Nicole, Brook, Rhys, Lukas, Jean-Francois, Dieter, Ann, Roland, Licia, Peter, Christos

Notes: Brook Schofield


  1. Convince CLARIN to go eduGAIN rather than SPF (Kristof)
  2. WTF is eduGAIN? Is it a service, project, broker, funding source, unicorn wrangler or something else (Nicole)
  3. Pragmatic Interfederation (Dieter)


Dieter: Doesn't care how we interfederate - as long as we get services to people. Summarised previously ....

