Digital Platform Concepts and Principles*

*based on the TM Forum Open Digital Architecture

Architecture Building Blocks

  Decouple functionalities into separate components

 Use the single source of truth approach to data storage

  Implement DevOps to develop/maintain each component

Define common service abstractions

Open APIs

  Promote a multi-vendor environment where each component has a well-defined API

  Ensure interoperability with open API specifications

  Use same APIs for intra- and inter-domain integration

Orchestration and Automation

 Start incrementally: automate repetitive daily tasks first

  Orchestrate multiple components using processes

  Innovate: Don't improve existing manual processes or compromise - invent new, more efficient workflows

Introduction to Digital Platforms

As digital transformations bring new challenges to networking ranging from big data transfer and storage to vast scale Internet-of-Things (IoT) applications, network providers must find ways to automate processes to be able to manage increasing operational workloads. To facilitate such automation, providers need to move to abstracting network resources to ensure agility and technology agnostic network service behaviour. These challenges do not only apply to commercial providers, but also to the NREN communities. For GÉANT, with its more than 40 country members, it is therefore crucial to drive this network evolution forward with a common strategy, in a way that would allow for automation, orchestration and virtualisation (OAV) of network services in a multi-domain and inclusive fashion, bringing all partners on board while accommodating already existing solutions. Read more...

List of features / capabilities to be supported by an OAV architecture

The Network eAcademy team has investigated a list of required features and capabilities necessary to be supported by an OAV architecture solution of an research and education (R&E) network ecosystem. This list is by no means exhaustive or prioritised in any way, and can be used as a supporting cross-reference checklist when deciding about new architectural designs or approaches, technologies or components. Read more...

TM Forum's Open Digital Architecture

image of complec cube of blocks (Photo by Pan Yunbo on Unsplash)

The search for a blueprint led to the selection of the TM Forum’s OpenDigital Architecture (ODA), adopted by and driving the digital transformation of most communication providers. ODA is a reference framework which provides a common understanding and generality in an environment where each NREN is free to choose its own path towards OAV - including architecture, design and implementation. Read more...

Investigated Architectures

architecture logo

A number of architecture proposals and solutions are discussed in this section in order to provide a general overview of the existing implementation paths and their major focus. The short list of investigated architectural solutions has been compiled by the Network eAcademy in order to cover diverse approaches including the most prominent examples given by standardisation bodies, but also proposals that have played a major role in our community being part of research projects. Read more...

Mapping Use Cases and NREN Architectures to ODA

Want to align your architecture with ODA? Or do you have an OAV use case you would like to share and work on with us? Are you looking for a particular component or an open API specification? Read more...

The Orchestration, Automation and Virtualisation Journey

From a traditional OSS/BSS

  Analyse components and functionalities

  De-couple & de-duplicate

  Expose components via APIs

  Automate manual tasks per component

  Use orchestrators to implement complex processes spanning multiple components

Via a digital platform

  Agree on terminology to understand each other

  Define common service abstractions

√  Ensure interoperable interfacing via common Open APIs

√  Federate with other NRENs or commercial providers

To an interoperable community

  Employ on-demand provisioning of multi-domain services using common APIs and data models