The EU-funded EaConnect and GÉANT (GN4-3) projects organised a 'baselining' meeting on eHealth to assess the interest in this topic among NRENs (national research and education networks) and other relevant organisations.

More than 70 participants from around the world joined the online meeting on 27 January 2021.

Read the news report on GÉANT Connect site and the same report on EaPConnect site.

Read more about the background for this event.





Slides (link to files in Box)

10:00 – 10:15

Welcome & Intro

Léonie Schäfer (DFN)

Neringa Jakevice (KTU)

Marina De Giorgi (GÉANT)

Mario Reale (GÉANT)

10:15 – 11:05

Session I

●      EOSC-Life Overview

●      Belarus experience in eHealth 

●     Telemedicine: 18 years of experience for global expansion  

( Presentations  & Discussion )

Invited Presenters:

●     Jonathan Tedds, ELIXIR Compute Platform  (EOSC-Life)

●  Vassili Kovalev 

●      Prof. Shuji Shimizu (Kyushu Univ.)

Vassili's slides

11:05 – 11:15

Coffee Break

11:15 – 12:30

Session II

Lightning Talks “eHealth in practice”

  • Carina Kemp (AARNet)                                          
  • Alexander Golubev (RENAM)                                
  • Martin Bech (DeiC)                                                
  • Piotr Pawalowski (PSNC)                                        
  • Luiz Messina (RNP) 
  • Sabrina Tomassini (GARR)
  • Malcom Teague (JISC)
  • Maria Ristkok (GÉANT WP4, EENet)

Carina's slides

Martin's slides

Piotr's slides

Luiz's slides

Malcolm's slides

Maria's slides


12:30 – 13:00

Session III – Panel 

“Challenges in eHealth”

Moderator: Martin Bech (DeiC)

13:00 – 13:40

Lunch Break      (13:00-13:40) 


13:40 - 14:30

Breakout Sessions

Topics to be covered in all sessions:

●      Networking

●      T&I

●      Security

●      Policy

●      Clouds

Facilitated by the organisers 

14:30 – 14:40

Coffee Break


The rapporteurs prepare the report from the breakout sessions for the closing panel 

14:40 – 15:00

Closing Panel

“Results from the Breakout Sessions and Next Steps”


Mario Reale (GÉANT), Léonie Schäfer (DFN)