One of the most important initiatives at EU level in the field of digital health currently, is the discussion on how best to attain a common European Health Data Space (EHDS). Furthermore, in the light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the value of cooperation in medical research has become even more prominent and, with it, the demand for a supporting e-Infrastructure and services.

There are multiple aspects that are relevant to the community of GÉANT users about the development of eHealth services, but the two main ones we want to focus on are the following:

This means that there is a clear need to investigate eHealth as a topic within GÉANT and the wider community of NRENs, to discuss the challenges and possible benefits.         

Agenda & Slides

News report on GÉANT Connect site and the same report on EaPConnect site.

Meeting Objectives

Several GÉANT NRENs have been supporting eHealth projects or offer eHealth-related services to their customers. EOSC-Life, a multi-million Euro project funded by the EC, tackles several aspects of general relevance related to eHealth and e-Infrastructures.

From a preliminary skimming of areas relevant to eHealth there is:

While Open Science and Open Publishing are well supported by GÉANT, the main advocates for these topics are RDA and EUDAT. Networks, CyberSecurity and T&I, on the other hand, are core areas in GÉANT offerings.  We ultimately aim to hear from you if these GÉANT areas need to address gaps to fulfil your NREN effort in the field of eHealth.

Objective of this Baselining Meeting is to do an inventory:

  1. Which topics of relevance for eHealth are also of relevance for GÉANT?
  2. Which topics are already well covered?
  3. Are there any gaps which might deserve further investigation?

Based on the results of the inventory and the interest of the attendees, we will discuss which next steps might be applicable.

This could be the formation of a Task Force or SIG on eHealth in the framework of GÉANT or, on a wider scope, the start of a closer collaboration with other EC-funded projects already working in the area.

The meeting will serve as an indicator if there is a need for further activity from GÉANT in the scope of eHealth & Telemedicine.

Preparational Task for participants

Interesting Reading>


Target Group

 NREN eHealth specialists, NREN Management Level + T&I experts


Organiser: The workshop is jointly organised by GÉANT’s GN4-3 project and the EU-funded EaPConnect project.

Duration of the workshop: 1 Day (10:00 – 15:00 CET)

Venue: ZOOM

Date: 27th January 2021

Moderators: Mario Reale (GÉANT), Marina de Giorgi (GÉANT), Léonie Schäfer (DFN)

Working Language: English

Invited NREN speakers: DeiC (Denmark), GARR (Italy), PSNC (Poland), RNP (Brazil), AARnet (Australia), Jisc (UK), RENAM (Moldova) and BASNET (Belarus)

Special Guests:

Prof. Shimizu, Kyushu University, Japan

Jonathan Tedds, EOSC-Life


For more information, please contact:

Mario Reale,

Marina de Giorgi,

Leonie Schäfer,
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