The purpose of creating community space was to intensify our engagement with the community, addressing broader scope of challenges and opportunities. 


Presentations and recordings from previous monthly meetings

Propose a topic here:

Date / Timing

Topic / Talk short description

Time estimateProposer / Topic Host

TF-EDU SC decision

Thursday, 26 November 2020 from 10:00-11:30 CET1NRENs' services vs. competitive solutions, especially the big commercial services. Incentives, unique selling points, advantages.45 minutes(sent to the TF-EDU SC)Approved (postponed to another date).
2Learning Analytics for Schools, short overview of CARNET solution and discussion about community experiences60 minutesNataša Glavor, CARNET LA teamApproved.

Thursday, 7 January 2021 from 14:00-15:30 CET1The importance of standards with the EdTech ecosystem90 minutesNynke de Boer, IMS GlobalApproved


Thursday, 4 February 2021 from 10:00-11:30 CET1Jisc’s Learning Lab and Step Up Programme
Esther Wilkinson, Jisc


Thursday, 4 March 2021 from 14:00 - 15:30 CET1



Thursday, 1 April 2021 from 10:00-11:30 CEST1



 Presentations and recordings from previous monthly meetings:

Date / Timing

Topic / Talk short description

Proposer / Topic Host

Presentation and recording

Thursday, 26 November 2020 from 10:00-11:30 CETLearning Analytics for Schools, short overview of CARNET solution and discussion about community experiencesNataša Glavor, CARNET

Recording (only the presentation part):


Thursday, 7 January 2021 from 14:00-15:30 CET

The importance of standards with the EdTech ecosystem

All over the world, ICT is used more and more within education, especially during the COVID pandemia over the last year, where online education has become so important. To add educational value, many new ICT tools have been implemented at the universities, forming the so-called EdTech ecosystem. 

In order to make this EdTech ecosystem easy to create, reliable, flexible, future proof and accessible to all, it is essential to also focus on interoperability between tools, sharing data, data governance and accessibility. The easiest and most sustainable way to do this, is to work with existing and well-adopted EdTech standards (agreements). IMS Global is a community of  institutions, vendors, schools, publishers and other EdTech related partners, that has developed a series of well adopted EdTech standards and tools, to help you to create a robust EdTech ecosystem. Examples are LTI, OpenBadges, EduAPI and QTI and the App Vetting tool. These standards form the foundation of the EdTech ecosystem, LTI for example defines the interoperability between tools on a detailed level. By leaving this interop 

In this session, we will share some practical examples of standards, introduce some of the relevant EdTech standards and discuss how you as an institution can benefit from them. Finally, we will listen to some of the members of the community on how they contribute to the IMS Global community and discuss with you what role you could play in there. 

To get inspired for this session, we recommend to watch this video of the Technical University of Eindhoven.

A more detailed information document on the standards of IMS Global in relation to Géant is here. This document was created based on questions asked at the Géant Education TF meeting in Budapest, November 2019.

Nynke de Boer (IMS Global)

Michael Webb (Jisc)

Jasmijn Jacobs-Wijn (SURF)

Wietze de Vries (Sunet)

Recording (only the presentation part):



Thursday, 4 February 2021 from 10:00-11:30 CET

Thursday, 4 March 2021 from 14:00 - 15:30 CET

Thursday, 1 April 2021 from 10:00-11:30 CEST