Please note that the face-to-face meeting in London has been cancelled. Revised online sessions are planned instead.

Please register for the online meeting here: 

The WISE Community and SIG-ISM held their first joint meeting back in 2015: and the second in Kaunas, LT in 2019: SIG-ISM / WISE meeting 2019

It was decided to have one joint meeting every year going forward. The 2020 meeting was supposed to take place in London, UK, kindly hosted by Jisc. However, due to the current global crisis, all meetings were moved online and a third meeting was held last April

The October meeting will happen during two days, on the 26th and the 29th.

A word of warning about TIME changes: Sunday (25 Oct) is the end of summer time (daylight saving) across most of Europe.

The two sessions are timed at 10-12 CET and 14-16 CET on both days (CET = Amsterdam time, UTC+1)

Please check your time zone accordingly.


Registration information can be found at: 


SIG-ISM / WISE joint meeting agenda: 26 of October - DAY 1 

10:00Welcome and Introductions Alf Moens (chair, SIG-ISM)
10:10What are you working on? RoundtableAll
10:30GÉANT Security StrategyAlf Moens (chair, SIG-ISM)
11:00 Break for coffee
11:15 Vulnerability Assessments: As a service or on your Own?David Heed (SUNET / GN4-3 WP8)

14:00Welcome, agenda and aimsDavid Kelsey (STFC )

Reports from current WISE working groups

David Groep (Nikhef);  David Crooks (UKRI STFC); David Kelsey (STFC )
14:50 Break for coffee

SCI working group - session 1
[Useful Links: 
    - SCI How to GDoc
    - SCI Assessment Sheet
    - SCI Trust Framework - Version 2 ]

Ian Neilson (UKRI STFC)Uros Stevanovic (KIT, Karlsruhe)
15:55Agenda for WISE session - Thursday 29 Oct 2020David Kelsey (STFC)

SIG-ISM / WISE joint meeting agenda: 29 of October - DAY 2 

10:00Welcome and Introductions Alf Moens (chair, SIG-ISM)
10:10Security Baseline: progress and first results of benchmarks
Michael Schmidt (LRZ, GN4-3 WP8)
10:45Break for coffee

Business Continuity Management, What do you need?

Vladislav Bidikov (University of Skopje, GN4-3 WP8)
11:30What did Covid-19 do to your security?James Davis (JISC)

14:00Today's agendaDavid Kelsey (STFC )

Proposal for new working group - Best practices for handling software vulnerabilities

Linda Cornwall (UKRI STFC)

SCI working group - session 2

David Crooks (UKRI STFC) 

Ian Neilson (UKRI STFC)

David Kelsey (STFC)

14:50Break for coffee

Report from Collaborating activities

Maarten Kremers (SURF)
Thomas Barton (UChicago & Internet2)
Robert Cowles (Trusted CI),

15:50WISE - future meetings & next stepsDavid Kelsey (STFC)

Group photos: