You can register services either using OpenID Connect or SAML2. Service requests are reviewed by the Support team. In order to start the process, open the Service Provider Registration form in your browser.

You will need to login at your Identity Provider in order to access the form. If your organization does not have an Identity Provider connected to the OCRE SP Proxy, then you can use one of the following options:

  • Google
  • OCRE Guest IdP (If none of the other options are suitable, we can create an account for the OCRE Suppliers at the OCRE Guest IdP. Please contact us at:

1. Requester Details

Display name - Your name (Should be prefilled with the information provided by your Identity Provider)

Email - Your email address (Should be prefilled with the information provided by your Identity Provider)

Orgnanization - If it is not prefilled, please enter the name of your organization. Note: This can be different from the organization / legal entity providing the service

2. Organization Information - Legal entity responsible for the service

Organization Name - The name of the organization (legal entity) responsible for the service

Organization Website - The website of the organization responsible for the service

3. Service Details

Service Name - The name of the service.

Service Website (URL) - The URL of the website or landing page for the service

Service Logo (URL) - A URL with the logo / icon of the service

Service Description - A description of the service

4. Contact Information

Email addresses for administrative, security and technical contacts or teams responsible for the service

5. Service Provider Policies

Privacy Notice (URL) - A URL pointing to the privacy notice of the service

Acceptable Usage Policy / Terms of Use - A URL pointing to the Acceptable Usage Policy and / or Terms of Use of the service

GÉANT Data Protection Code of Conduct - Click the check box if the service is compliant with the GÉANT Code of Conduct. You can find more information about the GÉANT Code of Contact on the GÉANT website

Sirtfi - Click the check box if the service is comliant with Sirtfi. You can find more information about the Sirtfi framework on the REFEDS website

Research and Scholarship - Click the check box of the service is compliant with Research and Scholarship entity category. You can find more infomration about the Research and Scholarship entity category on the REFEDS website

Incident Response Policy (URL) - A URL pointing to the Incident Response policy applicable to the service. This is an optional field

6 - 1 - A. Registering a SAML Service Provider

SAML or OIDC - Choose SAML for registering a SAML Service Provider

SP is part of eduGAIN - If the Service Provider is already registered in eduGAIN through a national federation click this checkbox

SAML2 Entity ID - This textbox is only visible if you have selected that the SP is part of the eduGAIN. Provide the SAML2 entity ID for the service

SAML2 Metadata (URL) - This textbox is only visible if you have NOT selected that the SP is part of eduGAIN. A URL pointing to the SAML2 metadata of the service

6 - 1 - B. Form submission

When you click on the "Submit" button, you will see a page confirming your application request. You application will be reviewed by the eduTEAMS Support team and you will be notified via e-mail.

6 - 2 - A. Registering an OIDC Service Provider

SAML or OIDC - Choose OIDC for registering an OIDC Service Provider

Flow - Choose the OpenID Connect / OAuth2 flow applicable for your service. Options are Authorization Code and Implicit. The Authorization Code is strongly recommended

Token Endpoint Authentication Method - Choose the token endpoint authentication method for your service. Options are client_secret_basic and client_secret_post

Offline access - If the service requires offline access, check this checkbox

OIDC Redirect URLs - Enter one or more OIDC redirect URLs for your service

6 - 2 - B. Form submission

When you click on the "Submit" button, you will see a page confirming your application request. In the confirmation page you will see also th client_id and secret for your client. Please store the securely as these cannot retreived later. You application will be reviewed by the eduTEAMS Support team and you will be notified via e-mail.