Feature requests

Version 7.5
  1. F006G - User defined user role
  2. F011G - Better text editing features in Note Pod
  3. F012G - Individual views
  4. F015G - Export of recordings and metadata to FMS server or other mediacontent servers
  5. F017G - Support for more file formats in Share Pod
  6. F026G - Number the order in which hands are raised

Bug reports


October 3, 2011
Universities: 34
Total Users: 20 106
Total Hosts: 5 728
Distinct Meeting Rooms: 16 203

Peak concurrent users: 596
Average: 266
Peak Concurrent meeting room: 206


Production server
900 concurrent users
2 servers + 1 fail over
Software load balancing
Version 8.1.2

Test server #1
5 concurrent users
Version 8.1.2

Test server #2
Version 8.1.2


2 Dell PowerEdge R710, 2 core processors, 32 G RAM
Shared disk




Johnny Widén, johnny.widen@ltu.se
Markus Schneider, markus.schneider@kau.se
Leif Johansson, leifj@sunet.se

List of feature requests and bug reports in working progress

Bugs version 8.1.2 (reported to Adobe)
Feature requests