TF-CPR Recommends....favourite random recipes (pdf)

(compiled by Laura with contributions from Gitte, Goran, Maria, Virginie, Tiina, Elke, Mattis, Robert, Tomi, Christine, Cristina, Federica, Melanie, Lonneke, Natasa and Fiona, as part of a parting gift to Carrie Solomon - Sept 2011)

Photos Carrie farewell:

TF-CPR meeting Belgrade

TERENA office - photo here soon I hope!

The TF-CPR Bean cake

(contributed and served up by Tomi and Maja, TF-CPR Meeting, March 2010)

400 g dry white beans
(or 1,2 kg drained cooked white beans)
8 eggs
250 g finely shopped walnuts
8 spoonfuls of sugar

300 g  chocolate for cooking (55 %)
some butter and a bit of milk
400 g jam made of Dog rose (wild rose) hips
(or any other jam with high acidity and well pronounced taste)
500 g cream
some sugar for the cream

Soak the dry beans in cold water for 12 hours, cook and drain.
Let them to cool down and put into the food processor, the result
should be a smooth paste. Whip the egg yolks with the sugar, add
bean paste and walnuts, add whipped egg whites and put into a cake pan.
(You need buttered 28 cm round cake pan, the bottom lined with parchment

Preheat oven to 175 degrees C and bake the cake for approx. 45 minutes
to one hour (until a sharp knife or a toothpick inserted in the center of the cake comes out clean).

Let it to cool down, cut horizontally into two layers (this is the
tricky part - you will need some parchment paper or something thin and
flat to insert between the layers and an extra hand :) .

Melt the chocolate with some butter and few spoonfuls of milk, spread
over both layers of the cake. Let it cool for few minutes. Spread over the jam and then whipped cream. Combine the layers (another tricky part
with extra hand needed).

Decorate, cut, eat and enjoy :)