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TCD Pilot Final Consultation - Unleashing the NREN clouds

The final consultation phase aims at collecting the experiences and recommendations of the Trusted Cloud Drive (TCD) pilot. The consultation phase is open to everyone, if you want to participate, please contact Peter Szegedi <>

The bottom line of the consultation process is the preliminary TCD service architecture depicted below. You might also want to read the paper submitted to the SUCRE CloudSource Magazine for more background information.

The strategic direction to be taken by TERENA is gradually shaping as follows:

In line with the strategic direction outlined above, TERENA will further explore:

A) the service brokering scenarios made available by the TCD-Pithos+ and the TCD-Swift integrations; different NREN storage infrastructures and/or public cloud storage back-ends can be brokered down to user domains in a trusted, privacy-controlled way.

B) the service integration scenarios with feature-rich end-user storage applications; both community-developed and commercial solutions (such as OwnCloud and PowerFolder) will be investigated for potential integration with TCD functionality to preserve trust and privacy.

Consultation notes (restricted for the moment)