Phase ii is the public phase of the pilot running until the end of March 2013. If you want to participate, please, contact the project coordinator at TERENA, Peter Szegedi (

Discussion mailing list ( has been set up for Phase ii. Pilot participants can subscribe to the list here.

How to participate

There are three ways to participate.

Get familiar with the code

The aim is to gradually build up a community with developers who will eventually become "co-owners" of the code. It is expected that the potential co-owners' organisations contribute to the code maintenance and development with man-power and/or money. There is a three-step approach to get familiar with the code (it is also a kind of selection process).

0) Try the service out (the TERENA installation) - you must be whitelisted.

1) Downloadable development VM image (non-federated) - soon be available

2) Clone of the TERENA system installation (2 VM images + support for federation) - soon be available

3) Source code and documentation is available on Github under Apache Licenses, Version 2.0. There is limited free support via the Google group.


The full documentation is available at Github Wiki.

List of pilot participants

The following organisations expressed their interest in the pilot (as of 18  June):


Contact person(s)

already on the mailing list

Initial interest
AARnetGuido Aben

Certainly any high latency tests you might want to perform are well entrusted to us. 


Kurt Bauer

Christian Panigl

We'll start with - Bring your test users but probably will also try to - Attach your own storage back-end later.

Jernej Porenta

Peter Kacin

We are interested in Terena Trusted cloud drive pilot. From our side, Peter Kacin (cc) will be the guy to talk to, so please add both of us to the mailing list.

BELNETMario Vandaele 
CARNetBranko Radojevic 

Sami Saarikoski

Sormunen Toni

Try out


João Pagaime

At this stage we looking for information for a possible more official commit in the future.

As far as the  reasons go, we already use filesender and are happy with it, and we  see interest from the community on storage services beyond commercial available services.

The planned contribution is to test the software,  set up a test storage backend and generally participate  on the initiative  (it's worth to mention that we don't have dedicated resources devoted for this. That is to say that we would have difficulty on doing resource hungry taks


Panos Louridas

We are interested in participating, and our focus will be in the following item from the Phase II description: Attach your own storage back-end to the platform installed at TERENA Offices Specifically, to attach our own OpenStack-derived platform as a storage back-end.


Ivan Marton

Szabolcs Székelyi



Patrik Schnellmann

Christian Rohrer

Alessandro Usai

We are interested for the following reason: Higher Education Users are increasinglgy asking for a cloud shared storage. I'm thinking about students, but also researchers and teaching staff may be interested in this. We are evaluating which solution could adress the need of users best in the future. The TTCD is one possibility and I'm interested about the future developments in that project and the uptake of other NRENs of TTCD, how they see the place of a service based on the TTCD in their portfolio.

RedIRISAntonio Fuentes Bermejo  Currently we are driving our efforts to bring cloud services, and we are studying what kind of cloud services could be offered to the RedIRIS Research community.

Carlos Aguado

I am part of the Blue Brain Project, based at EPFL. Our long-term goal is to build a facility to help the worldwide community of neuroscientists work in the understanding of the brain and its processes.

My understanding of this second phase of the pilot is that will enable secure cloud-like sharing based on established federations and this sounds very interesting to me. Especially from the perspective of federations and how insightful could be for us in moving towards our long-term goals.

University of Malta

Dave Mifsud


Damir Zagar

I will get back on Monday with details in what parts we'll get involved (and will find some human-ware available).


Jordi Guijarro

In this second phase, we can initially collaborate providing feedback from our constituency test users and after attaching our own storage backend.

 Waiting for e-mail confirmations from: HEAnet, PSNC, SURFnet, CESNET, University of Malaga, Kaunas University of Technology