Phase ii is the public phase of the pilot running until the end of March 2013. If you want to participate, please, contact the project coordinator at TERENA, Peter Szegedi (

Discussion mailing list ( has been set up for Phase ii. Pilot participants can subscribe to the list here.

How to participate

There are three ways to participate.

Get familiar with the code

The aim is to gradually build up a community with developers who will eventually become "co-owners" of the code. It is expected that the potential co-owners' organisations contribute to the code maintenance and development with man-power and/or money. There is a three-step approach to get familiar with the code (it is also a kind of selection process).

1) Downloadable development VM image (non-federated) - soon be available

2) Clone of the TERENA system installation (2 VM images + support for federation) - soon be available

3) Source code and documentation is available on Github under Apache Licenses, Version 2.0


The full documentation is available at Github Wiki.

List of pilot participants
