This page is intended to show the different mobility-related activities in GN4:

Activity SA4 - Production Application Services and Infrastructure

This is a new activity in GN4 which brings all of the services that are deemed production in to one activity.  This will eventually include eduPKI, eduroam, eduGAIN, Moonshot, FAAS, and perfSONAR although these will migrate at different times in the process.   Over the course of the project you should expect to see the operational elements of eduroam move here.

Activity SA5 - Trust and Identity Service Development

The development aspects of eduroam and non-web AAI continue to be in SA5 alongside all the other development aspects of identity. This includes the following activities:

Activity SA7 - Supply Chain Support

This includes:

Other Areas of Interest

NA3 - Status and Trends.  The Compendium, Campus Best Practice, Green Team and Task Forces all come under this activity, including TF-MNM.