Lists Plan




w/c 24/8/2015

  1. Test migration from Mailman

Dick Visser; Michael Haller; David Verdin; Linda Ness

w/c 24/8/2015

  1. Move of Sympa VM from Prague to Vienna for resilience purposes (in progress)

Michael Haller; Implementation team;

w/c 24/8/2015

  1. Anti-spam via Renater – speak to David about setting this up. Costs?

David Verdin; Dick Visser / Stephen Hunt


  1. Speak to PMT to keep AL's up to speed

Linda Ness; Dick Visser NB Linda holiday 3/9/2015

w/c 14/9/2015

  1. Compare Mailman GN4-1 lists to make sure they match lists on Sympa, where applicable. Where they don't match contact the task leaders

Linda Ness

w/c 14/9/2015

  1. Send email to all Task leaders letting them know what is going on

Linda Ness

w/c/ 14/9/2015 (after email sent)

  1. Add task leaders as owners to appropriate lists

Linda Ness


  1. User training (via a Showcase)

Dick Visser/Linda Ness/ David Verdin

5 Oct 2015

12 Oct 2015

19 Oct 2015

  1. Sort out order for go-live:
    1. NA

    2. SA

    3. JRA




w/c 26 Oct 2015

  1. Migrate the 'other' lists (not related directly to tasks) for GN4-1


w/c 2 November 2015

  1. Migrate remaining lists from Mailman and Terena mail system, taking into account the spreadsheet with feedback from owners about whether the list requires to be migrated as live or simply available as an archive;


Information that we want to disseminate: