Welcome to the wiki home for collaborative work between members of

TF-CPR (Task Force on Communications and Public Relations), the GEANT PR Network and the Global PR Network.

Please feel free to click 'edit' and contribute your ideas and upload your materials and links.


16-17 Mar 2015 : TF-CPR back-to-back with Marketing Training & joint session with TF-MSP (Task Force on Management of Service Portfolios), Amsterdam NL

15 June 2015 : Joint meeting of Tf-CPR and Global PR Network, preceding TNC15 in Porto, Portugal

Autumn 2015 : TF-CPR back-to-back with GEANT PR Network - date and host TBC

If your organisation can host the Autumn 2015 meeting or the Feb/Mar 2016 meeting, please contact durnford@terena.org.


All TF-CPR meeting notes, agendas and slides can be found at http://www.terena.org/activities/tf-cpr/pastmeetings/.



Table of Contents