This Task delivers developments focused on serving e-Research and service providers. These developments typically enhance eduGAIN or provide an additional layer of functionality above eduGAIN.

It aims to develop services that integrate with and enhance eduGAIN specifically for the more complex requirements of research communities and the differing trust models of industry providers, enabling a more sophisticated use of federated identity.

Key objectives

The key objectives of Task 2 are:

T2.1 eduGAIN Support Manuals

T2.2 InAcademia

T2.3 Service Provider Simplified Registration to eduGAIN (SSPRP)

T2.4 (Identity) Assurance Service

T2.5 Virtual Organisation Platform Service Development (VOPaaS)

T2.6 IdP Discovery Service

Other work items and tools

Deliverables and Milestones:

  M9.1 e-Science support Business Case/Cost–Benefit Analysis, M6 (October 2016)

  D9.2 Virtual Organisation Platform Phase Two Service Specification, M15 (July 2017)

  M9.5 InAcademia Pilot review, M21 (January 2018)

  M9.7 VO Platform Advanced Services Pilot, M25 (May 2018)

Work Allocation

Who is working on the five work packages listed above as well as a few smaller tools and services, is listed in the RASP work allocation document.

Mailing Lists

The following mailing lists exist to get in touch with the task.

 Taske-Science Support InAcademia SSPRPAssurance ServiceeduTEAMS/VOPaaSIdP Discovery
External contact adress