Working Group on Security Training and Awareness


Chair: Alf Moens – SURF

Vice Chair - Jim Marsteller – PSC

In the WISE community we recognise that there is a broad need for security training. Training is wanted and needed for security professionals, system and network managers and engineers, users of the infrastructures and for decision makers, for a wide range of topics. Whereas security previously was mainly about hardening systems and incident response, it now involves a lot more topics such as risk management, compliance, data leak analysis and reporting.

Several organisations already have some or several trainings in place, but not on all topics. Some others have to get started with a training programme. There is a lot of training in the commercial market and there is a lot of open source material available.

The STAA working group will work on:

Developing trainings or awareness programmes is out of the scope of this working group.

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