The key objective of our project is to bridge the gap between secondary schools and higher education and research by better integrating formal and informal learning scenarios and adapting both the technology and the methodology that students will most likely be facing in universities.

Innovation Action (No.732049) - 5 Million Euro funding for 3 years - Starting in January 2017


”Countries that lack natural population growth due to low birthrates and at the same time are major senders of immigrants to other countries face the severe risk of contraction of higher education institutions, stagnation within the education market as well as the labor market, and thus a decline in economic growth.”

Demographic Trends and Risks for European Higher Education

Fatma Mizikaci and Bernd Baumgartl

"About 63% of nine year olds in the EU are in schools that are still not digitally equipped although 90% of jobs will require digital skills by 2020."

The "Opening Up Education" policy of the European Commission

"Age differences, however, are more pronounced for private or mobile Internet use with teenagers aged 15-16 years old far more likely, about 84%, to access the Internet in their own bedroom."
The "Net Children Go Mobile" project study