Proposal for versioning of eduGAIN for use in roadmaps


The eduGAIN inter federation service, while it has some software components, is not a software-driven service. Rather, the software supports a policy and technical framework. To provide roadmap versioning only based on the software components would not give reasonable expectations of what a service change is and what it delivers. The version number is never user visible and only federation visible out of band. 

The significant components of eduGAIN are:

Technology Agnostic:

SAML Specific:

Non SAML Profiles

Some of the above components are developed outside GÉANT and adopted by eduGAIN so there is no control over versioning.

Proposals for versioning:

Option 1:

Adaptation of semantic versioning  Major.Minor.Patch but not focussed on the software element and trying to give as much user relevant rather than engineering relevant information as possible.


Option 2:

Adaptation of semantic versioning  Major.Minor.Patch but with any feature with significant user impact incrementing the major version trying to give as much user relevant rather than engineering relevant information as possible.


Option 3:

Chrome/Thunderbird style - every change levels up the version number, no subordinate numbering.


Option 4: 

No full formal versioning of the eduGAIN service in this style.

Versioning something can be helpful for outwards communication but attaching a version to eduGAIN could be considered as analog to attaching a version to the Internet.

Announce updates only by availability of version of feature e.g.
