Discovery is recommended to be used in embedded fashion. For that to work authentication needs to be triggered from a page that includes javascript that provides the functionality. Here we provide examples for Shibboleth SP and SimpleSAMLphp.

Shibboleth SP

In the example we first configure eduTEAMS discovery to be used by default login handler.

    SAML2 SAML1 

If you use the discovery in embedded fashion you need to include javascript in  head element on the page triggering the authentication,

    <!-- HTML elements -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <!-- HTML elements -->

and then display the element itself that triggers the authentication as defined in default handler.

<a href="/Shibboleth.sso/Login" onclick="startOverlay(event)">Log in</a>

As a result the discovery is shown in embedded fashion.


In the example we first set eduTEAMS discovery to be used by default sp configuration.

'default-sp' => array(
    'entityID' => '',
    'idp' => NULL,
    'discoURL' => '',
    'privatekey' => 'example.key'

If you use the discovery in embedded fashion you need to include javascript in  head element on the page triggering the authentication,

    <!-- HTML elements -->
    <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
    <!-- HTML elements -->

and then display a element triggering the authentication.

<a href="/simplesaml/module.php/core/authenticate.php" onclick="startOverlay(event)">Log in</a>