We manage our project via Trello

*WP1* - Management

The 60% pre-financing was transferred to all partners on 21 February 2017.

Only one signature is missing from the Consortium Agreement (CERN), will soon be distributed to all.

Financial reporting is needed quarterly. Finance mailing list will be reminded in March. There was an excel template distributed on the list for the reports.

Budget on the "other direct cost" line can be spent on hosting face-to-face meetings (venue and catering, no dinner) and/or hosting infrastructure (only for infrastructure partners justified in Annex 1: storage, VMs, etc.).

GÉANT is going to distribute more budget on the "travel" budget line to all partners after Year 1. This needs contract amendment (together with other potential changes)!

NIIF, Hungary changed its name to KIFU. It is already administered by the EC. Contract amendment is not needed for this.

Subcontracting is only allowed to UROMA. For others, needs contract amendment.

Hardware equipment cannot be bought under this project.

The General Assembly unanimously appointed the Up2U Board Members:
Gabriella Paolini - GARR, Italy
John Domingue - Open University, UK
Eli Shmueli - IUCC, Israel
Antonio Vieira de Castro - ISEP, Portugal
Vicente Goyanes - TELTEK, Spain

The board meets quarterly (via video), checks the partners' financial reports, the deliverables due in the period, advices the Management Team and/or escalates to General Assembly.

The next coming face-to-face meeting will be in early May (first or second week) in Portugal (either Lisbon or Porto). The following meeting could be in October time-frame in Poland (TBC).



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Organization chart

Timeline for Year 1