
This is the home of the Special Interest Group on the Management of Service Portfolios, SIG-MSP, which used to be known as TF-MSP.

This space is publicly viewable, with only authorised groups able to edit the pages, and with some pages having access restricted to only SIG-MSP group members. This site is a work in progress, so please bear with us.

If you have any questions or problems, please contact annabel.grant@geant.org

Please feel free to click 'edit' and contribute your ideas and upload your materials and links.

To join the mailing list sig-msp@lists.geant.org, subscribe here!

Steering committee | Charter | Hot topics


The next SIG-MSP meeting will take place in central London, on 17-18 of January, hosted by JISC.

Draft agenda

Register here


Brettenham House, 5 Lancaster Place, London, WC2E 7EN

Proposed hotels:

Future Meetings:

 18-19 April 2018  - location TBC - please volunteer to host!

If you have any agenda topic ideas for future SIG-MSP meetings, please contact annabel.grant@geant.org or add them directly into the agenda suggestions page.


20-21 September 2017 SIG-MSP meeting in Dublin

8-9 March 2017 SIG-MSP, including a joint meeting with SIG-Marcomms - agenda & slides, hosted by PSNC in Poznan.

12-13 October 2016 SIG-MSP meeting with a focus on sources of funding for innovation - agenda & slides, hosted by GARR in Rome.

7-8 April 2016 TF-MSP meeting with a focus on cost savings - agenda, notes and slides, hosted by ARNES in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

11-12 January 2016 TF-MSP meeting with a focus on AUPs and CPS - agenda, notes and slides, hosted by DFN in Berlin, Germany

Note: Past TF-MSP meeting notes, agendas and slides can currently still be found at https://www.terena.org/activities/tf-msp/meetings/.