This page contains IdP filters for common scenarios used on a production service. Please refer to the page Filtering IdPs to learn how to use these filters.

Research & Scholarship filter

Only show production (no Hide-From-Disco) IdPs supporting the Research & Scholarship entity category:


(grey lightbulb) Test Discovery Service with above filter.

The above filter also hides IdPs that have the Hide-From-Discovery entity category.

GÉANT Code of Conduct filter

Only show production IdPs supporting the GÉANT Code of Conduct entity category:


(grey lightbulb) Test Discovery Service with above filter.

The above filter also hides IdPs that have the Hide-From-Discovery entity category.

SIRTFI filter


(grey lightbulb) Test Discovery Service with above filter.

The above filter also hides IdPs that have the Hide-From-Discovery entity category.

Combination Filters

Only show production IdPs supporting Code of Conduct and Research & Scholarship:


(grey lightbulb) Test Discovery Service with above filter.

All of the above filter also hides IdPs that have the Hide-From-Discovery entity category.

Other Filter Expressions

It is also possible to create filter using other entity categories used only in some eduGAIN member federations. In additional individual Identity Providers can be specifically be excluded or included in the list of IdPs. Please have a look at the DSX Discovery Service Filter Generator to see which entity categories and other options are supported for excluding and including Identity Providers from the list of organisations shown in the Discovery Service.