







Interview with Ferdand from Belnet

Next meeting - things to discuss

Updates on training, blue print, survey



Sylvia announced that Surf is merging.  Will be complete October 15th.  Sylvia is moving from community management to a team on innovation.  So she might not be the best person from Surf to represent them in TF-RED.  Sylvia will confirm if she will continue to represent Surf or if someone from the new engagement team will be replacing her for the next steering committee meeting.

Chris to send around doodle pool for the October meeting (aim for last week of October).  Meeting should be 15:00 CEST for 1 hour, with 30 mins extra for people who want to stay.

Carina suggested that pre-recorded videos are provided by the community upfront, so as to provide updates from the community.  This allows more to be crammed in to the 1 hour session.  5 min videos were suggested.  Carina suggested we could do it as an institutional update, highlights of a summary of what people have been up to.

Chris to make sure we have the call to ask for videos before the session.

Suggested topic for all hands - merging of e-infras with NRENs and the role of research engagement

Sylvia - since 2013 all the surf teams have been working together anyway.  Research engagement have been instrumental for the merger of the different Surf companies.  Enlighten your research helped to collaborate with all of the different services and combine the services to serve the researchers.

Sylvia agreed to present on the topic.  Some of the topics to cover would be: the way the different companies came together, worked together, now merged, the politics that drove that, how enlighten your research helped to facilitate that.  How the new teams are looking to innovate, what will work in the next 2-3 years.  What will be needed in the next 10 years?

Survey - Chris to talk to Juraj to delegate the work

Interview with Fernand - Questions to ask:

  • If he met his younger self what would he tell himself about the community
  • What was his most comfortable way of approaching communities?
  • What was his most successful way of approaching communities?
  • Do they have a similar approach to enlighten your research?
  • How it all started with the Belnet research engagement team.  How was engagement done in the past, where did it start.  Compared to where he has left it now?
  • What do you see is on the horizon for NRENs and the community?

GREG - Carina - Group wants to focus on the future of services that the research community would be using, not just research flows.  GREG are looking to have some initiatives in GREG, to be not just about the data movement but on the  whole stack.  GREG would like to do more demonstrater events.  Suggestion is that GREG gets involved in RDA.  Suggestion is to have GREG more of a future focused group, to support the future of research, not just research engagement, but with strong ties to TF-RED.

Next meeting will be organised in the future after the steering committee meeting.

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