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TracerouteTCP, and DiffServ work

Van Jacobson made vast contributions to networking, in particular related to performance. He wrote the original traceroute tool based on a idea by Steve Deering, introduced Congestion Avoidance to TCP, proposed (with Sally Floyd) ECN, implemented the first zero-copy TCP in BSD Unix, and did some of the early work on what later became DiffServ and Premium IP. He is also one of the developers of BBR, a novel "model-based" congestion control algorithm.

Channel-based Networking Driver Architecture

Recent work includes a rearchitecture (based on a new "channel" concept) of the device driver and buffer management architecture that is common to networking stack implementations of practically all current operating systems. This work is described in a talk at Linux Conference Australia (LCA2006) (slides from the talk; blog article by DaveM).

Simon Leinen – 2005-05-06 – 2021-09-04

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