A community event to update attendees on the progress of the Greenhouse concept to date and to agree on next steps will take place from 11:30 - 16:00 on 30th September 2015 at the GÉANT Amsterdam Office

A list of attendees from the event is available.  Remote participation is possible at: https://connect.sunet.se/nicole/.  


  1. Greenhouse concept and scope of Phase 1, Nicole Harris.
  2. Results of Phase 1, Licia Florio. 
  3.  The Filesender experience, Guido Aben.
  4. The Commons Conservancy - a fresh take on mature open source cooperation - Michiel Leenaars (NLnet)
  5. Coding in the community, Brook Schofield.
  6.  Discussion - next step.


A draft report from the meeting is available.  Attendees were supportive of moving forward with the proposed partnership with NLnet and establishing a supporting Greenhouse-SIG at GÉANT. 

Attendees agreed the following actions: 

ACTION20150930-01: Nicole Harris and Licia Florio to write an initial terms of reference for a greenhouse-SIG.  

ACTION20150930-02: Nicole Harris to add the statements of support to wiki pages.  

ACTION20150930-03: GÉANT and NLnet to work together on proposed MoU, subject to feedback from Filesender trials. 

ACTION20150930-04: Nicole Harris and Licia Florio to arrange a follow-up VC meeting in December and a possible face-to-face in March 2016. 

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