
This guide was created for the old UI of the eduTEAMS Membership Management, which is deprecated and will be removed in the future.

We strongly recommend using the new UI and guide for it - Approving VO requests

  1. When a new user fills in the application form for a Virtual Organization, the VO Managers will receive a notification

Example e-mail:

Dear administrator,

new application to VO {voName} was created under ID={appId} by user: {displayName}.

Application detail with all user submitted data where you can approve / reject application on


If there was any error during application creation, information follows:


Yours sincerely

2. Following the link with the Application details, you will see all the VO application request that are in "Pending" state.

3. Click on the VO application in order to open Approval/Reject dialogue

4. Click on the "Approve" or "Reject" button to approve or reject the application

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