
Amineh Akhavan Saraf 
Christoph Graf 
Nicolas Liampotis 
Niels van Dijk 


Esther Ruiz Ben 
Maarten Kremers
Marina Adomeit

Mohácsi János 


Niels van Dijk
Esther Ruiz Ben 
Wolfgang Pempe 
Marcus Hardt
Christoph Graf 
Amineh Akhavan Saraf 
Nicolas Liampotis 

(copy your name to the appropriate category above)


  • get synced and issues resolved to keep us on track

Discussion items

  • review of open Action items
  • Infoshare on "Wallets": 14h-15h30
  • Discussion of updated intro slide, current state after meeting: T7 Infoshare - Intro outline.pptx
  • Mentimetering activities of our participants (not covered at meeting)
      • priority of wallet stuff?
        • timeline: next year, some time later?
        • running ahead, follower, nothing (apathy, given up on it, disengaged)
        • does it reflect in your plans? (yes, no)
      • are there interactions with the government? (yes, no)
      • envisioning government issued identities? e.g. for onboardings (pre-validation)? other scenarios (e.g. guest identities)? (free text)
      • NRENs, academic activities related to wallets on national level? (free text)
      • What are the roles you envision for GÉANT and the NRENs? (free text)
    • Mentimetering info share feedback:
      • will you consider attending an update meeting e.g. mid-2025?
      • will you advertise it to NREN colleagues?
      • wish for big picture vs more details?
      • did you miss something? Word cloud on topics to cover next time
      • enough structure around to engage in the stuff you're interested in?
  • postponed to after vacation time: Proposal Reviewing/releasing T7 Work Items, and followed up by report writing


Upcoming events:

  • T7 Infoshare,  14h-15h30

Action items


get the initial set of mentimenter questions sent to Niels for review with expert


Check roles of Klaas and Marina at Infoshare
